Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

1. The project of this book would be scaring people and the only way to do that was to get a house that was heard to haunted which Steven did and take 5 people and to fouled them into thinking the house is haunted by making some adjustments to the house, but something goes terribly wrong the house had took matters into its own hands.

2. The main conflict in the story would be how Steven's wife flips it over on her husband and scares him. He believes all is going good and his wife is scared, but she is not but pretends to be so that he would think she were so that it would not seem obvious that she is out to get him back. She tries to murder him in the house so that it would seem like the house did it and she would'nt go to prison. It gets better because the house now has control over her and kills her or makes her a spirit as the others how died in that house.

3. The project and conflict go well because the conflict is the project and the project is to scaring the victims in the house. Which most of them end up dying and being scared to death.

4. The other 5 victims are the elements of a mad house and they are to be murdered by the spirits in the house. If there were no humans in that house there would be no elements but the victims are. The house which is full of spirits is out to get the 5 victims including Steven and his wife. It's a game that turned into a death trap for all of them.

Fourth Assignment

1. The main character Steven Price is an important person in the story. He is a millionaire who is cruel and selfish. He duty is to put 5 people to a test but it tends to go wrong. Mainly he is out to get his wife. He is an unhappy married man seeking revenge.

The house in the story is a symbol because it describes fear and danger. The house being so big and comfortable only leads to a line of hell for the 5 people. The house is alive and is killing victims.

Last Steven's wife symbolizes hate and non caring. She has no love for her husband or his ways of life she is only in for the money. She is out to have her husband killed and is hoping to take the money and run off with another man.

Third Assignment

1. My book does not seem original to me. The book i have read is very interesting i do think that there will be more books like it because horror is a big on society today. The story was a good one indeed but there will be more to come. The only thing that had confused me was who was killing who? This books works on playing trciks with your mind which i believe its a mystery book and wants you to believe that the house was only killing them off.

2. What make this book a good example of an old style, is the way the whole story starts. The house looks haunted and people are suspected to be scared. Haunted houses have been around for years and more still to come. Though the people think its them making all the camotion its the house taking souls as well.

3. I don't think that there will be any new stories, but certainly more to come later in our futures. The material used for this story has alot of mysteries like most other horror books. I mean like a haunted house and weird deaths. The evil spirits within the house have all been used just in somewhat different ways.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Second Assignment

1. The main character would be Steven Price basically he is a man out to look for people who will stay in the house with no fear. He is a millioniare and has offered 5 guests in the Vannacutt Insititute. He spoils his wife with riches and whatever is wanted. The story basically is focusing on him and his evil ways. I think he only is doing it to give his wife a scare.
2. I'm in no way like Steven because he is cruel and not smart to realize that house can be very dangerous. I would never do that to anyone even if i were a billionaire. I found it just as a prank till it had lead to something that had been unexpected. Im more of a person who likes to do what is better for another and to think before I do in Steven's case he had no intention of realixing what he had done.
3. If i were like Steven i would change alot about myself, then again I don't think i would be in a situtation like that. I would probably be scared of myself if i were like Steven. If i were him though I'd probably be the same way because everyone has a mind of their own and i would be rich and living the high life to be worrying about other peoples lives like he does.

First Assignment

I chose "Haunted House on a Hill" because it seems very interesting and it is appost to be about a haunted house which is possesed by evil spirits within the house. A few people have to stay in the house for a night and see if they survive by morning if they do they will get a prize which is $1million dollars.