Friday, March 28, 2008

Second Assignment

1. The main character would be Steven Price basically he is a man out to look for people who will stay in the house with no fear. He is a millioniare and has offered 5 guests in the Vannacutt Insititute. He spoils his wife with riches and whatever is wanted. The story basically is focusing on him and his evil ways. I think he only is doing it to give his wife a scare.
2. I'm in no way like Steven because he is cruel and not smart to realize that house can be very dangerous. I would never do that to anyone even if i were a billionaire. I found it just as a prank till it had lead to something that had been unexpected. Im more of a person who likes to do what is better for another and to think before I do in Steven's case he had no intention of realixing what he had done.
3. If i were like Steven i would change alot about myself, then again I don't think i would be in a situtation like that. I would probably be scared of myself if i were like Steven. If i were him though I'd probably be the same way because everyone has a mind of their own and i would be rich and living the high life to be worrying about other peoples lives like he does.